Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy


This Cookie Policy outlines how (“we”, “us”, “our”) utilizes cookies and similar technologies on our website.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small data files stored on your device when you visit a website. They enhance your browsing experience by remembering your preferences and gathering information about how you interact with the site.

What Are Cookies Used For?

Cookies enable us to recognize your device and tailor content to your preferences. They also provide anonymous aggregate data that helps us understand user interactions with our website, allowing us to improve its structure and content without identifying individual users.

Do Cookies Contain Personal Data?

Generally, cookies do not contain personal data and are used to collect anonymized or non-personal information for statistical purposes. If any personal data is processed, it is done in compliance with GDPR to conduct necessary analyses and generate statistics to support our development efforts.

Managing Cookies

You can control and manage cookies directly through your browser settings. This includes options to block all cookies, block third-party cookies, or receive notifications whenever cookies are sent to your device. Adjusting these settings can help protect your privacy and enhance security. However, be aware that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of some websites, potentially limiting your access to certain features or services.

Updates to This Policy

We may update this Cookie Policy periodically. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated revision date.

Contact Us

For more information about our use of cookies, please contact us at